Helpful Resources!

Hi all, being a professional CAD Nerd for GoEngineer, I like to keep an eye out for interesting and helpful resources, and I came across a few this month which might be quite helpful:

First a Weldments Lumber Profile Library: SolidWorks Lumber Weldment Profile Library | 3D CAD Model Library | GrabCAD - this will allow you to create weldments structures using the *actual* size of lumber profiles instead of the *nominal* ones (what maker hasn't been bit by that early on? 😹)

Second, and Involute Spur Gear design made by Joko Engineering (they have a YouTube channel which is well worth following): Involute Spur Gear (Equation Updating) and Design Guide | 3D CAD Model Library | GrabCAD just update the variables for the spur gear size you need. When you're done, you can laser cut, 3D print, or send to a service like Send Cut Send to get it made for your project.

Last, I have a custom material properties database. With SW Pro being the edition in the Makers Offer, it's most useful for mass properties calculations, but if you or someone you know has SW Premium, it may be helpful for some simulation purposes as well! Ctopher Custom Material Database - SolidWorks Legion (

I hope these help y'all's projects as much as they help mine :)