GOLF PUTTER Creative Design Part 2


Welcome back to PHASE 2 of my Creative Design Process. In this video series, I take you through my process while I design and create a new Golf Putter.

If you missed PHASE 1, you can catch up here, before you continue with PHASE 2!

This is the Conceptualizing phase. Anything is possible during this magical creative explosion, now is the time to jump onto the raft and get those creative juices flowing faster than the mighty Mississippi River.

Normally, I begin this process by creating several quick and rough thumbnail sketches.  I call these “chicken-scratches”, as they are rough and messy as I let myself focus on creativity.  I move through them very quickly, not worrying about accuracy or small details.  After I get several of these chicken-scratches down on paper, I start to re-draw the ones that I like the most.  I keep the features I like and lose the elements that I don’t.

RELEASE THE BEAST!   The below graphic is the best way to illustrate my process during PHASE 2.  I like to allow myself to be manic. This is when ideas begin to explode from my mind onto paper.  I sketch every thought… nothing is too crazy.

In this phase, I use the tools and equipment I have access to, such as sketchbooks, pencils, markers, play dough, clay, tablets, chicken wire, chainsaws, software… you name, I will use it.  If it allows the creative vibes to flow, I welcome it with arms wide open.

Remember, there are no rules and this is a judgment-free zone.  There are no such words as: “no”, “I can’t”, or “that won’t work”, hush those negative thoughts immediately.  Failure can often be positive… I always try to explain to others that failing is a natural part of designing, so fail often and learn from those failures.

Golf is Easy, Right?

Ask anyone, Golf seems like an easy sport… There is no running, or jumping, there is no catching, kicking, or anything that requires aggressive movements.  You only have to hit a little white ball through a field and into a hole.  Oh, and the ball is completely static before you hit it.  This sounds easy. Well, not exactly.  Just like me, people all over the world pour money and countless hours into the sport of golf, in an attempt to improve their golf game.  Many are looking for a secret technique, a new tool, or a club to make them better golfers.
Such a tool or club may not exist, but why stop trying?  Especially when you can design one yourself.

When I golf, there is a lot of noise circling around inside my head.  I am reminding myself to shift my weight, lock my arms, keep my head still, follow through… just constant chatter.  I golf best when the inner voices are quiet and I am relaxed and calm.   I like to refer to this as quiet golfing.  I asked myself how could I incorporate quiet golfing into my new putter design.  

After creating several sketches of my perfect putter, I realized that simplicity is the key. This design needs to be streamlined and clear of excess noise.  I wanted something simple that would allow my mind to remain quiet and focused on the ball and the target. 

This led me to the idea of a “nothing” putter.  A putter that is simple with a clear channel that allows for a clear line of sight to the ball and its final destination—the hole.  

Enjoy PHASE 2 and hang tight while I move on to the Design Phase!

Catch you soon,
