Hey everyone!
It has been great to follow along with some of your designs and see how your ideas takes shape!
It gave me even more inspiration and little push to create a video series that breaks down my own Creative Design Process on a new project that is super exciting for me.
EVERYWHERE I go people want to know more about my unique design style. Folks often ask questions like:
“What steps do I take to be so creative?”
“What Software are you using?”
“Do you have a recipe for designing?”
This video series will dive deeply into my creative chaos factory, AKA my brain, providing answers, but also maybe more questions (LOL).
Last year during my presentation at 3DEXPERIENCE WORLD I shared a simple graphic that shows the FOUR phases of my process… What I love, is that this shows the true circular nature of my creative design process!
I originally created this for people to see how I work, and for those who wanted to see how creative Industrial Designers like me are hard wired.
While doing this I have found that this graphic is also very helpful to me. I admit my brain needs a bit of refocusing at times. It’s a lot like an over-caffeinated circus monkey. So before starting, and during any project I will refer back to this graphic for guidance. It helps me stay organized and on remain on track during my design projects, which is all win-win for me.
In this 4-part video series I will be creating for myself! It’s time for me to get selfish and make something for me… and what I really wanted was a new Golf Putter! Obviously not just any Golf Putter… so stick around and see what I come up with!
In this first phase of my design process, I start with Understanding. This is where I ask myself WHY am I doing this? WHO is this for? HOW will this make someone’s life better?
The questions seem easy, but these questions are so important for me to design the best Golf Putter I can!