The idea to make these boxes came from various sources.
I’ve wanted, for quite a long time, to do some stuff at the 3DExperience Lab in Dassault systèmes, France.
I’ve never been very happy with the small bags to store tokens and components of game. It’s always a mess, you never have enough, they can’t fit correctly .. well. A lot of reasons to try something else.
I used to build some papercraft boxes found on BoardGameGeekto store my Game of thrones houses tokens quite correctly. They were really nice, but not really sustainable (well, I assume that with heavier paper, it would have been).
But the overall idea was really good. One section to store the units, one for the power tokens, and one for the orders…
So I kept this organization, and the size of the box which was perfect to fit in the game box sides, and tried to figure out how to make it for printing.
With the precious feedbacks from Seb, Guillaume and Franck at the FabLab, this was pretty fast and they gave very interesting ideas about the top of the box, which was, at first, planned in 3D Printing
After a couple of measures, it was obvious that with the space saved due to 3D printing benefits I would be able to do more than storing only units and tokens. So I made a few adjustments, and was able to store the house cards as well.
To close the box on top, I’ve made two different solutions, one using house sigils printed on the top part, the second using carving in plexiglass. The carved plexiglass was suggested by Franck at the FabLab, and Seb did the carving at UsineIO.
I also took the opportunity to print a box for Arryn and the AFFC expansion
As I was using some blue PLA on the Ultimaker, I’ve also print a set of units, using M4nu310u5 stl files on Thingiverse.
You can see that the boxes fit well in the game's box sides.
If you want to print those boxes, here are the stl files used for this print.
And the svg for carving.
If you want to carve, make sure to use a 2mm plexiglass to fit perfectly the size of the box. Green dots correspond to the drills for the magnets (I've used diameter 2mm height 1mm magnets in neodyme)
And that's all.Thanks a lot for all the help provided. It was a nice first project to work on before trying something more complex!