Fully Functionnal Clockwork Pendulum

Hi everyone,


I was wondering about a nice mechanism to 3D print that would illustrate "the movement" and an ever-working time measuring instrument pop in my mind.

So here is my contribution for the "Move in 3D Contest", a 3D-printable pendulum that will give you the time over one week:

Basically the pendulum beat the second and move the anchor at the top. This anchor give the rotational movement to the first gear which transmit it and so on until the needle turn.

The mechanism is more than three hundred years old but it now come in a complete new manufacturing way. There is a total of 10 gears that give the possibility to the two needle to move at a different pace.

The pendulum is one meter long and would not fit in any 3D printers that I know of, so I had to make it flexible and with some blocking element (2 glue points will be needed here ^^' ). If the print is OK it should beat at a 2 second period!

There is also a load connected to a small chain :

This will make the pendulum movement "eternal", meaning that it will empower the pendulum and you'll just have to use a key to reload the clock once a week.

In this project my mind was more focused on making a nice moving object rather than creating a very precise thing. The design may not be perfect but I wanted to keep it as thin as possible and the square coffin make a counterpoint to the round gears.

In the end I'm not sure that it will fit with the line about showing something that could not be achieved with some other manufacturing process (as I said I didn't really invented it ^^'). The spirit is more like: look what can already be achieved today! Just Imagine what it will be tomorrow...

Anyway I hope you'll enjoy it!



PS: I included a draft version of the stl file.