My first 3D Printed parts designed using Makers :-) Nothing more exciting then the anticipation of touching real physical parts that you yourself created. I designed this box to house an Arduino UNO. I downloaded the board as a step file from GitHub and imported it in to 3DX xDesign. Then designed the bottom and top halves of the box using xDesign and SOLIDWORKS. Once I was happy with the assembly, I sent it to a local 3D Print shop. The print was done the next day, but I had to wait another week for parts to arrive in the mail. I was checking the mailbox everyday. The day they arrives felt like Christmas. After the initial excitement of seeing, touching the parts, assembling and disassembling them was over, I started noticing all the changes I need to make to improve the product. Some changes relating to the manufacturing options of the printing process and some changes related to the design. I did anticipate there would be changes. The first prototype is never perfect. This is why there is PLM. Also, why there is the old wise saying, "measure twice, cut once". If you study the pics, you may spot some of the issues. Stay tuned. More to come ...