We've finally gotten around to finishing up the last few items in our miter saw station build. We built a custom stop block, installed t-track, and designed a dust shroud and chute that we made out of fabric instead of sheet metal!
That was probably the most fun part of the build... We started by 3D scanning our miter saw and bringing it into SOLIDWORKS. It was amazing to see that level of detail from a scan in our assembly.
Then we used SOLIDWORKS Sheet Metal commands to design the lofted transition of the dust chute as well as the compound curved dust shroud.
This gave us accurate flat patterns that we could print at full scale to make templates for cutting the fabric.
We also used xDesign to model custom shims and 3D printed them so we could perfectly position the saw within the station.
We rounded out the build with a one-of-a-kind, reversible stop block that makes making repeat cuts of long or short pieces a breeze!
Check out the full episode to see how the whole project turned out!
Feel free to download the shims in STEP format: