Hi Everyone!
As most of DS employees from Vélizy Campus recently noticed, the FabLab is now open for introduction visits (on Fridays through DSevents ) and of course for usage (any other day and time in the week!!). Our first visits from last Friday statistically raised some common questions, that I think it's good to answer rapidly. This post is of course meant to evolve in time and compile an updated list of FAQs. Any new question would be welcome of course !
* How do I get an ".STL" file from my Solidworks or CATIA environment ? ==> Solidworks (in French) ; Solidworks (in English) ; CATIA V5 (in English); we are open to any written comment about how it should be done in V6 though you can find a short video here .
* What is the process to print an object? ==> you need to attend an introduction visit first through DSevents, during which most of the details will be explained. If you can't for several reasons, the big lines are: you should ideally come with your STL file on a USB key. You first go through the "Cubify" step (on the machine in the corner just next to the whiteboard, while entering on the right), you follow written instructions there, then you go to the printer, ensure it is not in printing process, and follow the instructions there as well. In exchange of this service, we ask you to post to this community details about your project: how, when, what for, how long, who with, problems encountered ...
* Has the FabLab any link with your name ? (smiling) ==> sorry, this is an urban legend :-) There is ABSOLUTELY no link, as you can see there in French, and there in English. Sorry to destroy the myth.
* What are the opening hours of the FabLab ? ==> every day, any time. You might come and notice the 3Dprinting is already running for someone else however. We invite you to come back later then.
* Is the FabLab a free service ?: from a financial standpoint, YES. We will not ask any € for your projects. HOWEVER, in exchange of the service, we will require from every FabLab user to create a post about his project PRIOR to the usage of the 3D printer. To ensure this, we will technically limit the access to the printer to the people who posted their project details on the external MadeIn3D community.
To be completed with next FAQs!