FabLab Auburn Hills Open House

Please join Eli Fashho and me for the Open House and Grand Opening of our very own 

3D Printing FabLab in Auburn Hills!

We are excited to open this lab to all DS employees to collaborate with our FabLab Velizy colleagues in creating new and creative 3D objects using CATIA, SOLIDWORKS, and more.

When: Friday, March 27th between 10am and noon

Where: New FabLab (previously known as the Brainstorm room) on the 1st Floor, near the coffee area and employee entrance

What: Intro of the FabLab and its 3 x 3D printers (3D Scanner coming soon), demo on how to print your own 3D objects, and Q&A. Snacks provided in the 1st floor coffee area.

Who: All DS employees

Why: This is a GREAT PLACE TO WORK! Learn more at the open house. 


FabLab Auburn Hills Printers:

  • 2 - MakerBot Replicator Desktop Replicator
    • Uses PLA filament
    • Has an on-board camera to watch printing progress through MakerBot software
    • Create your own 3D model or choose one from Thingiverse
    • Variety of colors available
  • 1 - Cubify Cube 
    • Uses dual-materials recyclable ABS and compostable PLA flament
    • Prints dual-color
    • Variety of colors available including neon colors.


The FabLab Auburn Hills page is currently under construction, but we'll post pictures of our FabLab after the open house, so please come check us out.