Extending Screwdriver Lifetime Warranty …

What do you do when your preferred screwdrivers that you have been using for many years start having the grip material that is falling apart? The problem is that the red rubber becomes sticky and rips off the handle.

These screwdrivers from a famous French brand starting with a “F” are supposed to be under lifetime warranty but to get them replaced, you need purchasing receipt and go to an official brand reseller. Throwing them to the trash when they are in good condition is a waste and not ecological.

Therefore, I decided to try fixing them. I removed completely the rubber material to discover what’s behind and look for a possible solution. I thought that 3Dprinting two half grips that I would glue to the plastic frame would be very acceptable.

It was a good exercise to model this with CATIA. In order to be as close a possible to the handle shape, I asked to FabLab to help me scanning the handle plastic core. Sebastien from Fablab, told me that he has the same problem with the same screwdrivers, so he was motivated to help.

Then, I was able to model my grip precisely. First print showed that the grooves were too tight. So, I modified my model by adding few 10th of millimeters gaps. Second attempt was perfect.

Printing half grip takes about 1h30…