I took 30min to create this model inspired of Kate's Design, based on xGenerative (and xShape) with a quite simple graph I think.
The model "Sample for Kate Reed" can be found in the "For Maker US" tenant , in the Common Space Collaborative Space.
I started modeling with xShape to create a subdivision with soft boundaries , and this surface became the input of my graph design in xGen.
I used very few operators: a Sample surface that gives a non regular point distribution on the surface, this is feeding a Voronoi Operator, I created the curve intersections of this with input surface, it gives then the nice contours:
I used then a fill function to keep only the closed contours (the border are open) , an getting the boundaries I did some geometric scaling and translations of those curves to create loft surfaces.
Those surfaces and the fill one being then thicken to produce volumes.
Several parameters are then driving the Design: the amount of points , the value of the scaling and the length of the translations, and the thickness of the solid . Of course everything is history-based so modifying the input surface will recompute the Design.
Note that some operators are displaying a warning, this is not an issue as I intentionally used this to eliminate wrong contours (the one that are in the perimeter. We can of course close those contours and get the exact set of pipes matching the boundaries of the surface.
Of course we have a lot of possibilities regrading the contour that produce the pipes, it could be close to regular shapes if required.