DS FabLab is open to non DS employees !

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to announce to the community that it's possible to welcome non-Dassault Systèmes employees in our FabLab. It is situated in Vélizy, close to Paris, in the worldwide headquarters of Dassault Systemes. Admittance is free, though given the frequent occupation of the place, we have created a practical process to be allowed to use the various tools and softwares available there:

* First step: create a blog post (in the blog area) about your idea or project. The more details the better. This will allow us to determine the feasibility, the tools needed, the "printability", and the required 3D printing time of your project. This will also allow other community members to give you advice about your project, or even propose their expertise to help you! Given the occupation of the FabLab, we will probably need to select the best projects. As an example, we would be happy to help you for any nice projects like this one https://swym.3ds.com/#media:71515 

* second step: if step 1 is passed successfully, we will find with you possible dates/times to welcome you in our FabLab, and who from Dassault Systèmes will be responsible for your venue. This will mainly depend on availability of the FabLab of course.

* Third step: you come to the FabLab! If you are really lucky, we might find some time to bring you to our VR room, if available.


List of available tools in our FabLab:


* One 3D scanner: to get a 3D model from an object you have physically, but for which you don't have any 3D geometry.

* One SolidWorks license

* internet access and Madein3D community access

* different 3D printers (currently 2, waiting for the 3rd one early 2014).

* different tools to adjust/rework 3D printed parts

So now you understood the process, we are waiting for your nice projects we'll be happy to support in the FabLab. Your keyboard already waits for you :-)