Designing an outbuilding using xApps !

Karnataka is one of the leading states in India for coconut farming. Coconut cultivation is an important agricultural activity in Karnataka, and the state is known for its diverse agro-climatic conditions that are suitable for coconut cultivation. A single coconut palm may yield 200 coconuts annually, and each fruit requires a year to fully ripen. Fully matured nuts should be harvested and stored for one year to produce copra.

I had this requirement of getting a storage shed constructed for my small homestead to store the harvested nuts. This is when I started exploring the browser-based #xFrame app powered by #dassaultsystemes which provides users with associative feature-based frame design tools for every stage in the design process—from conceptual design to generating manufacturing information.

Further, to design the roofing structures, I used the #xSheetMetal browser-based solution from #dassaultsystemes that provides a focused user experience tailored to the needs of sheet metal designing.

Once done with my design I rendered the assembly in #Visualize and was impressed with the results. All in all #dassaultsystemes’s full browser-based portfolio of tightly integrated design apps, helped me communicate the design to the fabricators effectively.