Hello everyone
I haven't been able to post for a long time. Because I'm working on this house and I'll be back with great content very soon.
Our guest this week, @YÖ, is studying mechanical engineering at Balıkesir University.
Has been using SOLIDWORKS for a long time. He said he is new to 3DEXPERIENCE, trying to learn xDesign and other xApps.
Scenario: @YÖ living in Balikesir designs a rocking chair. Rıdvan, who lives in Sivas, takes this design and places it inside the house he designed with SOLIDWORKS Connected. @MS, who lives in Istanbul, makes a realistic presentation of the house with SOLIDWORKS Visualize.
We will receive a new guest every week. While designing, we do not interfere with how you design or which product of 3DEXPERIENCE you use.
*The music used from the video is licensed over the Epidemic Sound.