Designing a 3DEXPERIENCE World | Chapter 2

Hello everyone,

Our guest this week, Bekir Halhallı, lives in Şanlıurfa. He is a 4th year student at Harran University and studying Mechanical Engineering. He has been using SolidWorks for over four years. He said he's been trying to learn xDesign and other xApps lately.

Scenario: Bekir Halhallı, living in Şanlıurfa, designs a elecktic fireplace at xDesign. Rıdvan, who lives in Sivas, takes this design and places it inside the house he designed with SolidWorks Connected. Murat ŞEN, who lives in Istanbul, makes a realistic presentation of the house with SolidWorks Visualize.

We will receive a new guest every week. While designing, we do not interfere with how you design or which product of 3DEXPERIENCE you use. (except SolidWorks)



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