Designing a 3DEXPERIENCE World | Chapter 1

Hello everyone

I wanted to start a Design Trend with the House I designed in my high school years. I've been looking for people to volunteer for a long time. I finally found it and produced my first content.

Scenario: @AS, living in Manisa, designs a computer desk at xDesign. Rıdvan, who lives in Sivas, takes this design and places it inside the house he designed with SolidWorks Connected. Murat, who lives in Istanbul, makes a realistic presentation of the house with SolidWorks Visualize.

Murat ŞEN is my teammate and I will be working with Murat throughout this design trend.

We will receive a new guest every week. While designing, we do not interfere with how you design or which product of 3DEXPERIENCE you use. (except SolidWorks)

Our guest this week, Ahmet Can Sangi, lives in Manisa. He is an 11th grade student at Private Mostem High School and is studying Machine Painting. Has been using SolidWorks for over a year. He said he's been trying to learn xDesign and other xApps lately.


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