My brother recently changed roles at work from one that required a ton of travel to one where he'd spend a ton of time working from home, so he reached out to me with the crazy idea of converting his old backyard shed into a home office.
Never being one to shy away from a challenge, I agreed to help, and we got right to work designing. There was a fair amount of back and forth to figure things out, and we took advantage of everything the 3DExperience platform has to offer to effectively collaborate. @CO and I captured our thoughts in a private wiki page for the project...
...and we had a private conversation with my brother right here in the MadeIn3D SWYM community where we exchanged text, images, 3D models, and 2D Drawings. My brother simply created a free 3DExperience account, and with nothing to install, was able to collaborate, and see our ideas in 3D right on his phone! It was awesome!
We used our SOLIDWORKS for Makers license to detail out the shed conversion and get a full cut list of materials from SOLIDWORKS Weldments. (click on the image below to spin the model around in 3DPlay)
(...for those of you with a keen eye, and an affinity for construction, we did stagger the joints on the plywood in the actual build. It was just easier to model things this way and pattern them so I could get an accurate material list) 😉
Check out the full episode to see just how far we got with the project and learn about the eye-opening experience we had that weekend!