Cell Phone Music Amplifier

I was working in my garage and wanted to listen to some music. So I had my cell phone propped up on a piece of wood playing iTunes, but it was lacking in volume and bass response. So I took to SOLIDWORKS and came up with a great project to print on my 3D printer. I took inspiration from a phone receiver from a bygone era (when humans used to actually have to pick up a phone). It sounds AMAZING! Check out some pics of this great project! Designed in SOLIDWORKS, rendered in Visualize.

This project is larger than my 3D printer, so I had to divide it into halves, which are held together with lip and groove, epoxy adhesive, and a faceplate and backplate (red pieces). Organic supports are the best!

I even designed one with grills!

You can really tell the difference in sound when you place the cell phone in the device. More volume and adds in deeper bass tones!