Hello Everyone,
I'm Kiran Nikwade & my brother @RN & here is our proposition.
I Introduced to "Newt Water Backpack" for rural women, for second session of the CATIA Design Contest on the topic of Health & Well Being.
Access to potable water in villages is still a problem in India. It has to be fetched from long distances. This task is usually done by the women in the family. They go to fetch water from the well or a pump in the area. This constitutes approximately 50 litres of water per day for a family of 5 members. The most common method of fetching water is by carrying matkas/handas on the head. This form of head load causes a lot of strain on the neck and often is the cause of injuries and muscular spasms.
Current Scenario
- No direct water supply at homes.
- Most households have women fetch water daily.
- Neighbouring women go together in a group
- A woman brings approximately 50 litres of potable water for a family.
- For this, she must make 3-4 trips to the well/tap.
- Often she has a baby that she must carry along with her.
- Per trip: 20 litres of water.
- Weight of this water: 20 Kg.
- Total distance walked: 10 Km
- Socio-economic problems Heavy weight Physiological problems
- Neck pain, poor muscular
- strength
- Problems from young age Safety issues
- Lack of time
- Loss of valuable time for education
Design Objective
To reduce the effort and minimize the difficulties associated with fetching water by rural women.
Rural : modes of carrying water filled Matkas
Learnings from Modes:
- Should be applicable on different terrains
- Should suit different houses
- The whole process from home to the well and back has to be considered
- Minimum quantity of water that the product allows to carry must be 18 litres.
- It must be cost effective
- It has to be acceptable to the users
According to the survey, 39.1% women living in rural India have to step out of their homes to fetch water. Sixteen per cent women -- 3,000 of them -- have to walk between one kilometer and 5 kilometers twice a day to fetch water. They face many issues because of water scarcity.
Though of the 18,267 people who were interviewed, 11,207 said they get water through water or hand pumps, but there is a big percentage of population that is not as lucky as them.
Around 2,388 women have to walk one kilometer to fetch water, whereas 4,131 women have to walk 200 meters to get water. They are dependent on handpumps, taps, borewell, lakes, wells and rivers for water.
Parallel product study
Inferences from field study
- 1.Volume of water for a family of 5: 45 litres - No. of trips made per day: 3-4 (for a family of 5)
- 2.Terrain: Rough, narrow with stones and bushes
About Process:
- 1.They carry an additional sieve and jerrycan attached to a rope.
- 2.Loading of water is the toughest task.
- 3.Keeping the matkas on the well wall first since lifting up the filled matkas is most difficult.
Physiological Problems
- Pain
- Balance and position the matkas- restriction in movement
- Strain in neck muscles while walking with the water.
- Pregnant women carry large quantities of water throughout the pregnancy.
- Durability
- Cost
Design Brief
To design an aid for rural women, to increase efficiency of fetching water
1. Should allow to carry 45 liters of water in 1-2 trips
2. Should reduce the effort required to fetch equal amount of water.
3. Should be carried ergonomically by one woman
4. Should allow easy loading and unloading of water
5. Should store water in a hygienic manner
6. Should minimize wastage of water on commute
7. Should be usable over different terrains of different villages.
8. Should allow easy pouring/transfer of water.
9. Easy to clean and maintain.
Concept Evaluation
Design Method (Specification & Visual Script)
Full frame with support straps
Full Rendering
- Increase awareness about postural problems
- Campaign about the harmful affects of load carrying for pregnant women
- Install a platform like addition along the wall of the well. This can be done by cementing bricks to the wall of the well.
- It will give the women a platform to keep their things on.