Canyon/Garmin bikecomputer mount

When I got a new bike, I needed a new mount for my bike computer.
There is an official 3D printed version on the website of the bike manufacturer, but you have to pay a hefty 55 € for it.

So my plan was to make my own model and print it in the FabLab.
While searching for references, I found a 1:1 replica of the original on

I used standard PA filament for the first version.

The result looked really promising despite the color. I was also happy with the weight. But the support structure was super strong. That's why it took me about 3 hours to get rid of all the support filament and file down the extra parts.

I liked the result so much that I sprayed it with a matte finish, mounted it on the bike and used it for touring.

  Unfortunately the material wasn't strong enough, after a few hundred kilometers the bike computer started to wobble in the mount.
and on one tour the computer broke out of the mount and fell to the ground.

So I tried to make a new version, this time with resin print. The result looked OK, it felt a bit stronger and was heavier
than the filament print. But it didn't work at all, when I tried to attach the bike computer it cracked immediately.

The next try was with PETG filament, but it didn't work at all to print the mount, so I used the same filament like the first try but with a finer structure and tree support. 

The print took about twice as long but looked better and it worked pretty well for a few hundred kilometers,
but then it started to wobble again.

It looks as if the fine structure used to hold the bike computer in place is wearing off too quickly and too easily.
I will keep testing until I find the right material.

This is the latest version, but the project is not done! :)


*When I say "I", it has always been the help and time of @CZwho showed me everything and always took the time to explain and print everything. Thank you Ceren! :)