Hi Everyone,
Today we would like to launch a small call for projects. After the fantastic success our colleagues Matthieu and Romain had with their Quadcopter project ( https://swym.3ds.com/#media:71515 ), we wanted to find more exciting projects like those. And the biggest sources of such projects are of course... YOU ALL !
So here's the deal: we invite anyone with a good project idea to create a post about it on this MadeIn3D community. The project needs to include some smart / creative / innovative / funny usage of Arduino middleware and be built -as much as possible- with 3D printing techniques. Note that is is NOT an official contest like others we are about to launch in few days, but more a kind of incentive to discover new talents!
For the nicest projects popping up, we will provide one Arduino starter kit and give priority access to our FabLab in Vélizy, so that the happy project manager can start working :-)
An Arduino starter kit.
Note that we have several Arduino starter kits available, so if there is a terrible project posted and if you feel yours is not as nice, don't stop yourself :-)
If you have no skills on Arduino, don't hesitate to propose your project idea: there are some other community members who have complementary skills and might be happy to work with you on your idea!
So, the call for projet is now open, there is no time limit for submitting, the only limit is the number of Arduino Starter Kit boxes we have here. The stage is yours!