Birth Celebration (thanks to 3D Printed Churchoids )


What is a "Churchoid"? Why did we printed two of them?

This story started at the end of the nineties.

At this time, the last generation geometric modeler of Dassault System started to be developped by a great team under Didier Bourcier 's management

In this team, Alain Deléglise, better known as "Church", created this particular object to specify accurately how the new shell should handle non-isotopology. Quick this model was nicknamed "CHURCHOID"

This model was first  Alain's "baby". This was very helpful for CGM project, in particular for Shell and thickness operators specifications.

Several years later, this summer actually, Alain became father in real life - a new kind of  3D Experience :-) . So today I am very proud to announce the birth of his two boys Oscar and Basile.

To celebrate this amazing news, we decided to offer him two printed "churchoïds¨ (first ever printed in the world) making the link between this model that was a first important step for CGM Topology and the huge and great step Alain is now facing.

Print operation was a "piece of cake". No issue. Result was perfect out of the box!


3D Print results :


Happy father :