Hey folks - is there anyone more excited than me about @GB's announcement on Day 1 of 3DXW22 about the newest part of the amazing SOLIDWORKS for Makers offering? CAM 👍😀👍
Seriously, this is SO exciting and I'm just blown away by the fact that the actual CAM package is from Delmia. In case you didn't know - that's the same CATIA-based CAM package that a little aerospace company in my Seattle area happens to use to make its products. (Hint: I'm referring to BOEING and those products are multi-engine passenger jetliners!)
According to @JT's post here, the current version of NC Shop Floor Programmer includes post-processors for 3-axis milling and 2-axis turning. The May 2022 update of NC Shop Floor Programmer on the MAKERS cloud will additionally include post-processors for 3+2 (5-axis positioning), wire EDM, laser cutting, water cutting, and plasma as well as the ability to create our own.
Honestly, putting Delmia/CATIA-level CAM in the hands of everyday Makers is SO FAR BEYOND COOL that it puts cool a couple of laps down.
I can only imagine the incredible things that folks will create with this incredibly powerful collection of tools.
Thanks SOLIDWORKS and Dassault. You folks rock!