And the Winners are …

Last week was very active in the Madein3D community. We now have a winner of the Mov'n3D competition in partnership with Sculpteo, with 112 endorsements. His name is Sudhir Gill from Rohtak, India, his project is a Angle measuring device.

Sudhir completed is graduation in Mechanical engineering from Vaish College of Engineering, Rohtak. He has a keen interest in CAM/CAE. The whole idea behind this product is to measure the angle b/w two surfaces specially b/w two walls or in case of reverse engineering. During lab experiments (in college), he faced problems many time due to the absence of such kind of device and hence that difficulty ignited an idea in his mind to design such a concept device making things easier.

More than 100 likes. It’s a new record in our community. Congratulations to Sudhir Gill for his "Angle Measuring Device" creation which will come into existence through a 3D printer! Sudhir will also receive his iPad Mini.

The second and the third one who got the most likes, will have the chance to get their creation 3D printed as well by Sculpteo:

#2: Weather merry-go-round by Alexis de Pompignan


#3: CPU Usage driven V8 Engine DeskToy by Rohan KESWANI


With this 3rd edition of Madein3D competition, the design level was very high with creative project from all around the world. Thinking about moving object was not obvious, we are proud of your creations whatever your rank, the community is a place that can highlight your potential and your creativity…

To all participants who didn’t have their place on the podium the next contest will come soon, keep on being creative and talented and keep an eye in the community… :-)