A box fit for an Airbender!

How many of you are geeking out about the Netflix series "Avatar: The Last Airbender"? Were you also fans of the animated series? @CO and I have very fond memories of watching every episode with our sons when they first aired. 

A few months ago, our friend @NZ shared a really cool model of a customizable, 3D printable box with this community. Check out his post to see how easy it is to update the box's size to suit your needs:




When we saw it, we immediately knew that we wanted to print one for ourselves, but we didn't have a clear picture of how we'd use the box. As we started to watch (ok, binge watch) the new Netflix series, we were reminded that almost 20 years ago, our Avatar fandom even extended into our other love... LEGO! We remembered that we actually bought the "Air Temple" set which came with a mini-figure of Aang and Momo.

It took us a minute, but we were able to locate the figures in our LEGO loft (yes, we have a small loft in our house dedicated to our LEGO collection). We thought that these precious little fellows deserved their own keepsake/display box, so we set out to design one using Noah's model as the foundation. 

We downloaded Noah's model (from his post) and imported it into xDesign. We first used the parameters that Noah set up to size the box. 

Then added "Air Nation" symbols to both sides of the lid, as well as modified the front and sides a bit to produce a stepped effect.

Click this image to view the model in 3D or download it using the dropdown arrow in the image's upper right hand corner.

Using a new Bambu printer in the 3DEXEPERIENCE Lab, we printed our first ever multi-color 3D print! It's sized perfectly to fit a 6x6 plate to hold Aang and Momo side by side!

As always, we've created a video that shows our whole process: 


If you'd like to print this specific model for yourself, feel free to download the native xDesign model above, or this zip file with neutral STL and STEP formats.
