3DS FABLAB team visiting PRODWAYS center (3D-printer maker)

Introducing PRODWAYS


PRODWAYS is a French company making very high quality 3D-printers for industries. Supported by the Gorgé group, this new actor claims to have achieving unparalleled perfection of the parts produced using its proprietary MOVINGLight technology that combines UVA LED and moving DLP.

Prodways is the first 3D printer manufacturer to introduce a moving DLP head allowing the projection of the image to cure as the head moves. Moving a DLP over a large build area allows the individual images to be small, hence much more focused and more precise than if they covered the whole platform and did not move. It uses also UVA LEDs to increases the speed of the polymerization reaction so the layer can be built much faster.


The PRODWAYS' technology



Every Prodways’ 3D Producer uses MOVINGLight®, Prodways proprietary technology based on Moving DLP and strong UVA LEDS, allowing two majors competitive advantages to industrial users: Unparalleled perfection of the parts produced & Distinctly improved profitability




The PRODWAYS 3D-printer range

The range of the company is currently composed by 3 machines:

  • The first one is called D35 which is dedicated to dental applications

  • The second one is called M350 which is dedicated to high performance and bid objects printing 

  • The third one is called K20 and dedicated to composite ceramic and metal printings


Some photos of our visit

Thank you to all the PRODWAYS team!

Do you want to know more about PRODWAYS and their creations? Let's take a look to their website