3D Printed Twin Engine R/C Airplane - the Twin Super Chipmunk



Hey Makers! For those of you who haven't seen my SolidWorks projects in the past, I design 3D printable R/C aircraft and post videos about each project on my YouTube channel, 3DAeroventures. Last year, I designed an aerobatic aircraft called the Super Chipmunk and a few months ago I decided to take that design and make a twin fuselage version.  

This is a pretty large model, with an 82" wingspan, and it weighs a little over 5.7kg. All of the parts were 3D printed on desktop Prusa printers. Most of the parts are printed from a really cool lightweight material called ColorFabb LW-PLA. A few parts were printed out of standard PLA, ABS, or PETG. Even the tires were 3D printed out of a lightweight, flexible TPU. It's a really gentle flier and has a unique presence in the air. Check out the design, build, and test flight video here: