3D Printed Jewelry /Madein3D Contest


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   I decided to present for the Madein3D contest

 3D Printed Jewelry Concept

made with  CATIA for Creative Designers

Usually, 3D printing is often restricted to the field of rapid prototyping, but in my project I wanted to considerate it as a new manufacturing process. Of course there's some rules to respect when you're designing a product to be printed in 3D but I discovered that it open to you a very large range of possibilities.

It's the reason why Jewelry is a good way to use that new technology : I imagine one day when you will able to choose the size of a ring, a material, and of course colors and shapes and have a unique jewel, as personal as jewelry have to be.



using the possibilities of 3D printing in different ways :

- experiment new shapes, more organics as you can find in nature

- allow you to imagine details and complex parts for smalls objects, with 3D printing the process is no longer an obstacle to creativity

combine different colors and surface treatment and especially have no demountable parts

unremovable assembly between the decorative cage and the clip of the ring



    / Inspired By Nature : "amour en cage" 


First I started sketching and imagine different shapes and configurations for the futur jewel



Then I created my 3D model using CATIA Natural Sketch then CATIA Imagine & Shape / Generative Shape Design :


Finally I realized that project for two different printing process, having some final idea using CATIA Live Rendering 




for a 3D Plastic Printer : a "ready to use" jewel

 combining rigid parts with flexible parts (for the cage for example) 


black parts are similar to flexible rubber instead of white parts, more like rigid glossy plastic



 for a 3D Metal printer

combining different metal as alumina and gold, with of course their own behavior to light 



here you can find my 3D data : )


                  fichier .stl                                                                                                                                      fichier .3dxml