SOLIDWORKS PDM: What Does That Button Do? -

This session gets into the deep insides of many of the lesser known features of SOLIDWORKS PDM by exploring those different buttons and menu selections that you have always looked at and wanted to try, maybe you even did try but didn’t see exactly what it did, or maybe that selection was always greyed out and you couldn’t figure out exactly how to make it work. Here we will look at the required setup for how to make them work, and then click that button or menu selection to see exactly what is going on, with better explanations of exactly what is taking place and how to make it work. We will explore these mysterious items both in the user interface and the administration tool, which will make this session highly useful even if you are not an administrator. But some of these items may have undesired consequences inside the vault, so along with looking at how to set them up and how to use them, several topics will also be explored from the perspective of how to prevent them from working.



Jeremiah Davis

CAD / PDM Methodology Specialist, Unspecified

Davis has had quite the career with both PDM and SOLIDWORKS, a career that started as a design engineer using SOLIDWORKS in the 2001 Plus version, then transitioned to a reseller. He then worked directly for SOLIDWORKS, and now is back out in industry as a PDM specialist. During this time, he has implemented many SOLIDWORKS PDM vaults, taught hundreds of VAR AE’s SOLIDWORKS PDM and SOLIDWORKS Manage, and has given dozens of presentations, both at 3DEXPERIENCE World and at various user group meetings.