SOLIDWORKS Cloud - R2025x GA

Parts and Assemblies

[NEW]  Command Predictor ⭐

Description: Easily access the next command with the persistent command prediction toolbar. Access command search if the command you’re searching for isn’t available on the toolbar.

Customer Benefit: Improve design efficiency with the command predictor.


[ENHANCED]  Fix Missing References ⭐

Description: A new "missing reference" icon is shown in the selection chip for lost references. Selecting the missing reference chip will highlight the last known position of the missing reference in the graphics area for easy tracking. And, a new flag toolbar gives the option to quickly replace or delete missing references.

Customer Benefit: Quickly fix missing references with intuitive tools, ensuring a smoother and more efficient design process.


[NEW]  Open Apps in Fullscreen Mode

Description: When you click on an application in the compass panel or use the “Open With” command, it now automatically opens the app in a new browser tab in Fullscreen mode, providing a cleaner and more immersive workspace. Opening apps in Fullscreen mode will not be the default behavior in R2025x GA. To enable this behavior, select the option "Open Web Apps as Browser Tabs" in the options tab of the platform preferences menu.

Customer Benefit: Enjoy a streamlined and focused experience by launching applications in Fullscreen, minimizing distractions and maximizing your working area for improved productivity.


[ENHANCED]  Processing Bar

Description: A new discreet processing bar allows users to navigate around their model—using rotate, pan, and zoom—while background operations are still in progress. This enhancement offers more flexibility and a smoother workflow by minimizing interruptions during model processing.

Customer Benefit: Maintain momentum and efficiency by navigating your design space while processes run in the background, reducing downtime and keeping your focus on refining your model.


[ENHANCED]  Hide/Show Management

Description: Manage item visibility within a product structure with greater control and flexibility. Use the new hide/show column in the design manager to easily see and adjust the visibility of each item.

Customer Benefit: Effortlessly control item visibility to streamline your design process and maintain clarity in your product structure.


[ENHANCED]  Bookmark Integration

Description: The option to add a Bookmark is now built into the Save As, Insert New, and Create New Assembly commands, enabling you to seamlessly assign bookmarks when creating new physical products.

Customer Benefit: Keep your data organized by assigning bookmarks as you create or modify physical products.


[ENHANCED]  Component Mating

Description: Initiate the mating process without needing to resolve components. Simply select faces and the mate toolbar will displays available mate options without the need to manually resolve components.

Customer Benefit: Enhance your design efficiency by eliminating the need to resolve components manually, allowing you to quickly and accurately mate components, thus speeding up the overall assembly process.


[NEW]  Rebuild Options for Error Management

Description: You can now choose between two error handling methods during model rebuilding: "Stop Update on First Error," which stops the rebuild as soon as an error is detected, or "Full Rebuild," which continues processing through all errors.

Customer Benefit: Control your error management approach with multiple rebuild options. Choose "Stop Update on First Error" to fix errors methodically as they are encountered during the rebuild.


Freeform Modeling 

[ENHANCED]  Soft Selection ⭐ 

Description: The enhanced options in the Soft Selection feature enable you to add a draft for a subdivision model. You can select the "Target Influence" and "Reverse Influence" to create a draft only for the areas you want to draft.   

Benefit: Gain more control and create models ready for manufacturing with new and improved soft selection capabilities for draft creation.


[NEW]  Crease a Vertex ⭐ 

Description: Add sharper edges and more defined geometry to specific areas of your model with the ability to crease a vertex.

Benefit: Enjoy greater flexibility and control over subdivision surfaces with new crease control for vertices.


[ENHANCED]  Slice Control

Description: For rotational primitives, the "Slice" button in the Primitive dialog box enables both the angle manipulator on the robot and the ability to input a number value for the angle to slice the primitive at that angle. 

Benefit: Create precise rotational primitives with enhanced slicing controls for intuitive and flexible primitive design workflows.  


Drawings and MBD

[NEW]  Hide Components in an Assembly View ⭐  

Description: Efficiently convey specific component information with new hide/show capabilities tailored for assembly components. This functionality enables precise detailing, particularly useful when external components obstruct the visibility of internal ones. 

Benefit: Facilitate effective assembly communication and showcase potentially hidden components with clarity, using include/exclude capabilities.


[NEW]  Section View Hatching

Description: Cross hatching and color fill is now automatically added during section view creation. The hatching and color fill can be modified directly from the edit view menu.

Benefit: Enhance section view clarity and ensure accurate downstream communication with visual cross-hatching and color fill along the section cutting plane for model-based views and drawings. 


[NEW]  Relink Physical Product Revisions to Documentation Set Revisions

Description: New ability to assign an existing annotation set to a new product revision. For example, physical product revision B can be assigned to annotation set, revision A. The annotation set can then be revised to Revision B, and updated to reflect the new changes.

Benefit: Eliminate errors and waste by ensuring your product and documentation revisions are in sync.


Additional Patch Notes

  • Added the ability to split and trim splines that are created as a converted entity.
  • Added the ability to Hide/Show a 3DShape.
  • Added 10 fluid materials to the library of core materials which are usable for running simulations in SIMULIA applications.
  • Added Turkish language support for all elements of the user interface, enabling seamless navigation and enhanced usability for Turkish-speaking users.
  • Improved tabbing behavior for better navigation: Users can now use the Tab key to move focus through UI elements in a logical order, with visual cues indicating the focused element. Modifier keys can be used to change the tabbing direction.
  • Fixed multiple issues related to "Save As" in collaborative spaces: 1) Prevented unwanted data duplication when saving to a different collaborative space. 2) Resolved session switching unexpectedly to the target collaborative space after saving an activated component. 3) Stopped repeated addition of instance names when performing "Save As" on an activated component.
  • Enhanced model editing allows users to retain or replace selections when modifying geometries in another OGS, preventing the loss of references to modeled-away faces during edits.
  • Improved the insert primitive dialog for more intuitive topology and bounding box modifications.
  • Improved the PDF publishing process by automatically setting sheet format, orientation, and size based on the sheet settings.