Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why is the SOLIDWORKS (part or assembly) model displayed in a different orientation when opened in an xApp?

The default orientation of parts and assemblies in the SOLIDWORKS browser-based design apps is Z-up. The default orientation for parts and assemblies in SOLIDWORKS is Y-up. When sharing files between the two, a Z-up orientation should be also used in SOLIDWORKS to avoid a mismatch. This is explained in the SOLIDWORKS Set Up section of the guide.

2. Why is the native 3DEXPERIENCE component loaded as a graphics body in SOLIDWORKS?

Immediately after the save operation has completed an exact geometry representation is generated asynchronously in the background on the cloud server. The generation of exact geometry in most cases is instantaneous, but for components with complex geometry it can take a few minutes or more. If the native 3DEXPERIENCE component is opened in SOLIDWORKS before the exact geometry has been generated it will be represented by a faceted graphics body in place of the ExactGeometry. For a detailed explanation and instructions to resolve the issue please refer to Step 4 of use case 2.

3. Why after opening a part in SOLIDWORKS is the externally referenced native 3DEXPERIENCE part not displayed in my session, and not displayed with a physical product icon in the feature manager?

The native 3DEXPERIENCE part is not displayed because it has not been loaded. The load behaviour in this situation is governed by the Load Referenced Documents option in the SOLIDWORKS system options. When using the derived part workflow explained in use case 3, the option must be set to “All”. When the option is set to All SOLIDWORKS will load the externally referenced native 3DEXPERIENCE part at the same time the SOLIDWORKS part is loaded.