Electrical Schematic Designer - R2025x GA

Our Favorites

  • Save the product structure of electrical projects to 3DEXPERIENCE (Electrical Schematic Designer)
  • Add distributed terminal functionality
  • Import new electrical content with a new tool


More Effective Collaboration and Cloud Data Management

[ENHANCED]  Save the Product Structure of Electrical Projects to 3DEXPERIENCE (Electrical Schematic


Description: Save the product structure data for each symbol with the electrical project. Create the product structure from your electrical project and combine it with the mechanical product structure from SOLIDWORKS on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

Benefit: Streamline BOM documentation using combined electrical and mechanical product structure.

  • Applicable to CATIA Electrical Schematic Designer




Electrical Design Experience

[ENHANCED]  Add Distributed Terminal Functionality⭐ 

Description: Select specific pins when adding a new terminal strip. Distribute a single circuit over multiple schematic symbols.

Benefit: Facilitate electrical schematic designs involving complex terminal strip configurations.

  • Applicable to CATIA Electrical Schematic Designer and SOLIDWORKS Electrical Schematic



Working with Electrical Content

[NEW] New Tool to Import New Electrical Content⭐ 

Description: Import cable references and manufacturers' part information to libraries using the new Microsoft® 
Excel-based template, customizable for different electrical classification types. Include cable core and component terminal information in the import.

Benefit: Speed up the import of electrical cable references and manufacturers’ parts with the new import tool. 

  • Applicable to CATIA Electrical Schematic Designer and SOLIDWORKS Electrical Schematic