DELMIAWorks - Why Connected Systems Matter (ERP at the Center) - PBBP694455

Where does ERP fit in today's highly connected world? Today's modern Cloud (SAAS) offerings promise many great things, but how do you connect all of the disconnected systems? Find out why ERP is more relevant then ever and how taking advantage of the opportunities of best of breed applications and the single source of truth can accelerate your business. Legacy and even today's Cloud based ERP Systems are still critical and play an even more important role.





Stephen has over 20+ years in the world of ERP and Manufacturing, starting his career as a Network Administrator, taking over the reigns as a Plant Manager, Implementing ERP solutions, and finally moving into Development. Lean, Toyota Production, Kaizen, and Agile methodologies have been both a passion and an going learning path throughout his career. Passionate about understanding how process and people connect and how constantly reinventing those processes and discovering new ways to make both the work environment and peoples lives better are what makes him tick.