DELMIAWorks User Session
Update on DELMIAWorks business, leadership, market strategy and product vision. The session concludes with the DELMIAWorks Customer of the Year awards. Intended for all DELMIAWorks customers, partners, employees and attendees interested in manufacturing ERP.
Steve is the brand marketing leader and CMO for DELMIAWorks. He has worked in the ERP industry for over 25 years, with the last ten years spent specifically in mid-market manufacturing ERP. Steve has prior leadership experience at ERP companies Epicor, Activant and Triad. He holds an engineering degree from the University of Kansas and an MBA from Rockhurst University. Prior to his work in the software industry, Steve was a manufacturing engineer in the automotive aftermarket.
Steve's work passion is using ERP to build value in independently owned and operated businesses.