Baby Steps - A Guide to Getting Started With SOLIDWORKS PDM - PBB693989

SOLIDWORKS PDM has a tremendous amount of capabilities to enhance the design collaboration process but for a company that is not using a data management tool or that does not have a formal process in place for releasing designs to manufacturing, it can be overwhelming. While it's easy to take big steps, if you are not careful you will find yourself alone and a long ways down the wrong path before you realize it. So, how do you know where to start, what direction to head and how fast to move? This presentation will use examples to demonstrate how to get started with baby steps and scale your implementation to meet your goals at a pace that your company is ready for.



William Briggs

SOLIDWORKS Product Manager, Tesla

I have 25 years of experience in CAD and PDM administration delivering innovative solutions for complex challenges with a passion for helping the SOLIDWORKS community. I have had the opportunity to work alongside many great SOLIDWORKS Administrator's around the world solving issues, sharing ideas for implementation strategies and making great friends along the way.