1571 - Aye, Aye, Matey: a Beginner's Guide to Advanced Mating

When creating assemblies, mating components is a time-consuming step. However, this is critical to evaluating your final design. The more components you have, the longer this can be. "Aye, aye," a phrase associated with pirate-speak, is an apt phrase here because it is said to the captain meaning, "I will get that done right away!" In this session, utilizing pirate-themed models, we will look at several ways to do just that by more efficiently adding mates utilizing quick mates, smart mates, and mate references. We will also look at some other tools to help navigate and manage mates. We will then examine some of the more advanced mates, including Profile Center and Width mates. We will conclude by reviewing some of the advanced mating tools, including the Mate Controller and Magnetic Mates. At the conclusion of this presentation you will more confidently be able to say "Aye, aye" to your boss when asked to get a project done (although you probably shouldn't)!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

3DXW22 ​​​​​​​

RyanField ​​​​​​​

InstructionalCourse ​​​​​​​

DesignEngineeringMechanical ​​​​​​​