1554 - Fear and Loathing Hybrid Sketching

For this rather popular lecture, we’ll create a model of a bike rack that mounts over the rear wheel of a bicycle. This is a curious piece of geometry because it can be completed a number of different ways. However, the way we’re going to build this model is very specific. We’ll construct this geometry as a multi-body part, specifically using 2D/3D sketches, as well as blocks and curves. Furthermore, we’ll control this part using a layout sketch that will tie into the constraints for everything else. Stages in the process:

  1. Create a layout sketch
  2. Combine with a 3D sketch for the first body
  3. Use reference geometry to map the support legs
  4. Create curves to bend the supports in two directions
  5. Consider design intent for managing relations to align profiles properly with their paths
  6. Build blocks to speed up the creation of custom profiles
  7. Trim our results​​​​​​​


3DXW22 ​​​​​​​

Jay-ShanJackson ​​​​​​​

InstructionalCourse ​​​​​​​

DesignEngineeringMechanical ​​​​​​​