Every CAD department has one. You know, "THAT guy". His modeling approach can be best described as "butcher knives & Bondo!". Any attempt to make even a simple revision on one of his parts makes you complicit in a deepening web of bad decisions and questionable modeling practices. A model rebuild is desperately called for, but can be tedious & time-consuming. How can we bring order to such chaos? FeatureWorks! Most users associate it with imported/dumb-lump solids (IF they know about it at all). First off, a quick intro/refresher to core FeatureWorks functionality. Next, we'll pivot to some "BKNB method" case studies from my own career, converting them to stable, easily edited models. Aside from learning a new tool (FeatureWorks), take-aways for beginners include the importance of design intent and sensible feature creation. Intermediate/expert users will benefit from gaining tips and techniques for innovative, "off-label" ways of capturing design intent and taming problematic models.
Instructional Course & Best Practices