The objective of this session is to familiarize attendees with a state-of-the-art project pursued by Dassault Systèmes SOLIDWORKS in collaboration with MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms, to streamline manufacturing workflows in a standard digital fabrication lab. The ’Clank’ is a Mini-fab tool designed by Jake Reed, PhD Research Scholar at MIT, to do precision work such as PCB fabrication. Most of the parts of this machine can be fabricated in a standard fab lab and it uses distributed data flow controllers designed by his group at MIT.
From Dassault Systèmes side, @SL, SOLIDWORKS R&D Security Officer Director, is responsible for ensuring that 3DEXPERIENCE Platform interfaces with the machine cloud. Jake and Shawn will talk about their collaborative work around closing the loop between SOLIDWORKS and the Clank Machine. It’s the first step in machines making machines, which can be scaled to labs making labs – a vision shared by MIT and Dassault Systèmes.