1328 - Myth Buster of Complex Data Management and CAD

We hear a lot about the importance of collaboration and data management for engineering every day. But what does it actually mean in real life? Join us to learn how to go beyond broad concepts and make data management and collaboration a reality with 3DEXPERIENCE DraftSight. Learn how a single solution can give you the familiar environment of DWG CAD design, and built-in capabilities to actually transform how to manage your data and collaborate with your teams. Get the insight and confidence that data management and workflows for your DWG files does not require tons of investment and time for implementation.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

3DXW22 ​​​​​​​

AlexTimofeev ​​​​​​​

ProductBriefings ​​​​​​​

DesignEngineering2DDesign ​​​​​​​