1271 - Hosted Managed Services: Pivot to the cloud and solve your upgrade challenges

If we build and provide a solution to our customers that solves many of the technical challenges they are facing today, running the ERP, we can refocus that customer onto their core business thus making them more profitable. Let Hosted Managed Services (HMS) lift and shift the full ERP stack from on premise into our highly secure, scalable, and cost-effective cloud platform. Come and see how we can improve your ERP's performance, security, and sustainability with our cutting-edge cloud service. With a big focus on software version upgrades coming up, we are a key asset to any customer who wants to upgrade the software but doesn't want to go through the technical pivot to accomplish those upgrades. Let HMS do all the heavy lifting and again, refocus your attention on making products and profits.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

3DXW22 ​​​​​​​

ChrisSmallwood ​​​​​​​

IndustryLecture ​​​​​​​

ManufacturingProductionERP ​​​​​​​