Since SOLIDWORKS 2018, SOLIDWORKS has committed to allowing users to work with mesh geometry (also called tessellated geometry, faceted geometry, etc.). Commonly imported from formats such as *.STL, *.OBJ, and now *.3MF, mesh geometry originates from a wide range of sources, including these:
- 3D scanner output
- Artistic modeling software
- CAD exports
- 3D printer preprocessing
- Output from simulation software (i.e., topology optimization output from SOLIDWORKS Simulation)
Numerous online file sharing sites SOLIDWORKS now has powerful tools for including this geometry in your designs, including reverse engineering functionality and continuing engineering functionality. In this course you will learn about the tools in SOLIDWORKS that will help you: - Prepare a mesh file for downstream operations
- Use the mesh file as a geometry reference
- Use the mesh file as a visual reference - Perform reverse/continuing engineering from the mesh file