1248 - SHOPWORKS - New Highly Configurable Shop Floor User Interface - DELMIA | Works

If we provide a web-enabled, configurable dashboard that is end-user friendly for shop floor operators to perform their everyday manufacturing tasks, we can improve efficiency, accuracy, and the overall experience of completing those tasks.  SHOPWORKS is a fully web-enabled application used directly from the shop floor to conduct everyday production tasks.  In this session, we will give a general overview of the SHOPWORKS application for DELMIAworks, and go over what we have released, what the future holds for the project, and a demonstration of current functionality with a little in-progress functionality sprinkled throughout the presentation.  You will leave this session with a better understanding of why web-enablement on the shop floor can improve your business operations.

Manufacturing and Production ​​​​​​​SOLIDWORKS ​​​​​​​Collin Smith ​​​​​​​
