SOLIDWORKS Configurations are a versatile tool set that allow a user to represent different variations of a part or assembly within the same file. Common use cases for SOLIDWORKS configurations include capturing a size range of a part or assembly, different component positions within an assembly, and different levels of geometric detail, plus many more.
SOLIDWORKS Drawings do not have configurations but a drawing views can be set to display a specific configuration of the file they reference.
One of the key advantages of using SOLIDWORKS configurations is that all the different variations associated with a specific part or assembly are contained within the part and assembly file. The ability to apply design changes to specific configurations makes it easier to manage SOLIDWORKS files using the Microsoft® Windows file system because only one part or assembly file is created. For example, when a user modifies a part or assembly that contains configurations, they can apply the change to all or individual configurations within the file.
Configurations are created and managed via the ConfigurationManager which is located within the same window as the FeatureManager design tree. The ConfigurationManager is available in every part and assembly.
You can create manual or fully automated configurations using a Configuration Table or a Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet-driven Design Table.
To differentiate configurations from one another, each can have its own unique name, unique SOLIDWORKS property values, and specific part number display in a SOLIDWORKS Bill of Materials (document name, configuration name, or user defined). When saving SOLIDWORKS parts and assemblies to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, the Bill of Materials property may affect the amount of design information that becomes available to other users.
It is essential to have a thorough understanding of this topic before saving any existing SOLIDWORKS designs to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform that contain configurations, and before creating any new designs with the intention of adding configurations.
This SolidPractices guide will explain the recommended best practices for using SOLIDWORKS configurations, plus examples of common use cases for configurations and how to approach them when using 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
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