V5 -> 3DExp - Management of line ID (tactical solution)


when migrating V5 Data into 3DExperience , the link between lineID and Parts/pipe are lost

the following practice is a proposal to manage the line ID during the migration from CATIA V5 to 3DExperience

Thank you to @GF for having developped this Best practice:

Process overview

  • 01 | Export Line ID with Report
  • 02 | Import v5 data in 3DExperience (FBDI)
  • 03 | Create logical Product Structure
  • 04 | Link Line ID with piping elements (automation with EKL)


Process in detail

01 | Export Line ID with Report


Report used in CATIA V5 



Due to EKL limitation, the first line of the excel report with the name of the report has to be delete.

02 | Import v5 data in 3DExperience


03 | Create logical Product Structure


04 | Link Line ID with piping elements


EKL Action :

3DXML - EKL Action in catalog :



I didn't succeed, in the allotted time, to used the BR FBDI to store the line ID information directly in 3Dexperience data.

So I used report from v5 to extract lineID/parts information.

The process can maybe be improved with the BR and consequently avoid the first step.