Product Synthesis Solutions

Knowledgeware solution set turns implicit design methods into explicit knowledge for obtaining the optimum design, while DMU solutions support complex DMU reviews and simulations for quick and efficient engineering and process decisions.

Domain Objective

Get it right first time! The extensive range of tools provided with CATIA Version 5 product synthesis solution set provides easy automation and validation of design and manufacturing data. This also allows for the effective capture and reuse of corporate know-how.

Product Synthesis Domain Overview

Focus on the knowledgeware solutions

The CATIA Version 5 knowledgeware solution set turns implicit design methods into explicit knowledge for obtaining the optimum design.
The core capabilities of CATIA V5 Enjoy the power of product synthesis embedded within its easy-to-use multi-discipline tools. The CATIA V5 knowledgeware solution turns implicit design methods into explicit knowledge and allow users to capture and reuse corporate know-how throughout the product lifecycle. Users can add and share this extra intelligence in every phase from design to manufacturing, for simple applications or enterprise-wide deployment.

The capture of expertise and automation of business processes The KnowledgeWare solutions combine the power of explicit rules that define the product behaviour, with interactive capture of design intent as the design is built. As a result, the system acts as an expert advisor to guide users through the tasks, warning them of rule violations and conflicts, thus automating design generation and reducing risk. The full power of your accumulated product knowledge can be embedded directly in the design, by storing it in catalogues. It can also be leveraged through the use of custom applications based on CATIA V5 processes, allowing designers to accelerate and secure the design process cycle time, while being more innovative.

Knowledgeware tools to explore more of the benefits of design alternatives and automated goal-driven design optimisation The Knowledgeware solutions permit users to assess and quickly determine the best alternative for a design amongst numerous combinations of parameters and constraints. Its ability to take multidisciplinary specifications into account, such as distance, cost, volume and time, across all the CATIA V5 products, enables users to perform powerful and complete assessments of designs.
Assured design consistency and quality Knowledgeware solutions ensure compliance to best practices and corporate standards. Users can validate their designs and ensure acceptable development standards are maintained enterprise-wide. They also assure designers of the quality of their design, enabling them to make the right decisions, faster.

Solutions that facilitate brainstorming and innovation Functional and conceptual definition optimisation tools are designed to formalise designs. This allows users to detect engineering problems in the functional definition of the system at the conceptual development stage. They can then use solution guidance and links to knowledge databases as a powerful tool for solving them.

Focus on DMU solutions

V5 DMU enables real-time visualization and review of the 3D product as it evolves, streamlining collaborative review and decision-making. It allows design teams to digitally build the product mock-up and its environment, then analyze it to gain early insight into key factors determining design quality, product performance, and ultimate market success. Using V5 DMU testing and analysis tools, engineers can reduce and even eliminate the time and cost invested in build it, break it scenarios requiring multiple physical prototypes, allowing them to spend more time innovating.

Seamlessly integrated within Dassault Systemes PLM solutions and designed for multi-CAD environment, V5 DMU facilitates digital mockup validation and simulation from detail design to maintenance. It provides extensive support for engineering processes such as interference detection and analysis, hybrid mock-up review, packaging and product synthesis, human ergonomics analysis, engineering data visualization and technical publication.

When V5 DMU is used in conjunction with ENOVIA V5 VPM, the benefits and savings increase exponentially. It enables global organizations - from marketing to design to maintenance - to collaborate in real time using configurable 3D mock-ups, and to rapidly validate product variants during testing of design alternatives. With V5 DMU, development teams can transform product information into business intelligence, improving decision making and product quality across the enterprise value chain.

Product Synthesis Product List

These products are available in several platform levelsP1P2P3

CATIA - Knowledge ExpertKE1KWE

Vehicle Occupant Accommodation

DMU - Composites Review

Human Preferred Angles Catalog

Human Posture Catalog

Human Anthropometry Catalog

DMU Dimensioning & Tolerancing ReviewDT1

CATIA - Flex Physical Simulation

CATIA - Knowledge Advisor

CATIA - Product Engineering Optimizer

CATIA - Product Knowledge TemplateKT1

CATIA - Product Knowledge Template Definition

Business Process Knowledge Template

CATIA - Product Function Description


DMU Space AnalysisSP1SPA

DMU Fitting Simulator

DMU Kinematics Simulator

DMU Optimizer

DMU - Engineering Analysis Review

DMU Fastening Review

CATIA - DMU Space Engineering Assistant

Human Builder

Human Measurements Editor

Human Posture Analysis

Human Activity Analysis