Piping Branch Rule - Generalities

Branch Rule in 3DEXP

The purpose of this table is to control how the system will solve the branch connection, either using an additional part (tee, olet) or by relimiting the branch pipe in case of weld

The choice of the solution will depends on  he nature of Header/Branch pipes (material, Size) --> branch rule inputs

This table must be attached to a piping spec to be used by the system

The table will be used when :

  • using the SDAD command
  • During pipe routing when connecting from/to another pipe segment, and selecting branch rule option​​​​​​​
  • when "resolving" a branch port​​​​​​​

table  exemple: 


Pipe branch table inputs

Nominal Size

As we have seen the inputs for the branch rule is Header Size/material + branch Size/material

Today the Application doesn't support the use of "Unset" value for Nominal size. so the administrator

  • must define all configuration one by one. This can lead to a lot of work and very big tables.
  • will not be able to define branch rule for full parametric route like it can be needed for HVAC rectangular duct 

It will be very helpfull to be able to set Header NS and/Or Branch Nominal Size to "Unset" --> could be a candidate for a futur request of evolution to be submited to DS R&D


Branch Angle

Today Branch angle column in the table is an optional output of the branch rule. This is dificult to understand as the angle is given by the 3D desing in context 

To me the branch angle must be an input of the table which will allow to trigger the branching solution according the value of the branch angle to not authorize for exemple an Olet if the branch angle resulting of the routing is different than 90deg. this will allow to trigger the possible branch part subtype based on the resulting branch angle -->  --> could be a candidate for a futur request of evolution to be submited to DS R&D

Like for NominalSize ,we should be able to set it as "unset" to not make the rule available for any angle

In all cases once the Branch partsubtype is selected,  system will continue to filter list of available branch part based on the Ref Bend Angle  

