Piping 3D - Pressure Drop calculation


For making Pressure drop estimation/calculation 3DEXperience CATIA is proposing different capabilities:

  • Light integration in 3D Piping App for simple tube pressure drop and alternative comparison
  • Complete Multi-physique Simulation : Automatic meshing of 3D piping model in Dymola component for direct simulation (need Dynamic System Engineer Role (SNK)

In addition of this, Simulia is proposing also some roles to do complex CFD analysis thanks to  Fluid Dynamics Engineer (FMK) ; enables designers and design engineers with the ability to validate and optimize the fluid and thermal performance of their product designs 

CATIA 3D Piping App - Light integration

this embeded command available in Piping & Tubing 3D Design App is very limited in term on scope. it is done to compute (and compare) the pressure drop based on a single pipe route (without taking into account any other branch or component. it is used in very early phases to have a rough idea between different routing path alternative. To use it , yo uca nrefer to following 




Medium information ;: default medium are provided in OOTB (see: doc : https://doc.modelica.org/om/Modelica.Media.Water.html ) or you can create your ouw one

Pressure can be automatically retreived from lineID if defined on it

Do not forget to set a compiler in the Setting option in the panel (at the first run, nothing is selected and command fails)

CATIA Fluid model simulation - Complete Multi-physique Simulation


This command is requestion to have Dynamic System Engineer Role (SNK license) in addition to the 3D Piping Design  Role

This command allows to create a Dymola model automatically from the 3D piping assembly

then you can add in the Dymola model you probes and constrains and run simulation on it


the video is illustrate both the generation of Dymola model from piping Schematic and from Piping 3D





SIMULIA Fluid Dynamics simulation

in work