Piping 3D - Drawings


In 3D experience it exist 3 level of App that allows to generate drawings

  • standard generative Drafting App. (available in all 3D Design Roles)
    • with this App you can generate drawing from 3D and you can also parametrize the drawing extraction using GVS (Generative View styles) . it is an xml that describe who you want to represent te object graphics and also allowing to add some annotations based on text templates (not possible to automaticallly add cotations)
  • Multidiscipline Automated drafting App (aivailavle only in some roles like Plant Layout Engineer or Piping & HVAC Systems Engineer , Building and Civil 3D MEP Designer, ....
    • This App is based on the previous one but, you can define template drawing with template views that includes EKL rule that allows to drive and automate better the drawing extraction     
    • This app contains also dedicated drafting function to adress specific industry/disciplione needed like for Civil, steel structure, piping
  • Multidiscipline automated drafting Batches (Available only in FAP "Multidiscipline automated Drafter" Role
    • it is few command on top of the previous App that allows to launch drawing batches
      • Piping Isometric & Orthogonal drawing batches (preconfigure batchs for Piping drawing)
      • Full generic Batches (based on full EKL programming)
    • Batch drawing are based on "Credit" consuption. when bying the Role you will have incleded 800 credit allowing 800 drawing generation. for more you will have to purchase additional role ACP-C (+4000 credit)

About Standard drafting with Generative Viewstyle :

Very old video but concept is remaining the same


About Multidiscipline Automated Drafting:




About Piping Assembly drawing (included in Plant Layout Engineer roles & others)


About Piping Isometrics Drawing batch (included only in FAP role)



About Piping Ortho drawing batch (included only in FAP role)

Piping Ortho
HVAC Ortho


About 3D Master for Piping (included in Plant Layout Engineer roles & others)