P&ID - Zone management


You are able to represent zones inside the Schematic view

You are able to associte any Schematic object (pipeline, equipment, component) to one or multiple 3DSpaces

  • manually
  • automatically

Zone contours

You can define Zone line or contour inside the P&ID

When drawing such element you must asociate to it a Zone category and zone Name.


The list of Zones category & Names comes from the Datasetup Diagram Resources. 

  • you can have one zone list per Zone Category
  • you specify how this geometry will be interpreted by the system to deduct the symbol position according the zone
    • for contour :
      • inside
    • for Lines 
      • above/bellow
      • left /right


Manual association of components to 3D Space

For manual association you don't need any setup except having created 3D Space object into the datadase

  • 3D Space object are usually created inside a GBS : Geographic Breakdown Structure
  • the GBS is created using the Space Allocation Application which is part of SAO "Space allocation" Role
  • to use the 3DSpace once created, you don't need any specific licences 

then you can launch the manual association. the link between the 2 object can be seen in the property panel of the piping component


Automatic association of component to 3D Space

System can automatically create a link with the 3D space of the GBS (Geographic Breakdown Structure)

Based on the value set on the Zone contour, system will compute the corresponding 3D Space object through a businees rule

  • for close contour it is simple; the Zone name is often equal to 3DSpace name

Application will then create a link between 3D Space and any of the object that are placed/moved inside the corresponding zone contour

PipeLine association cross multiple Zones:

Setup for Business rule for automatic association:



Zone Inclusions


you can adjust the Zone list table to add a third column for sub-Zone (aka inclusion zones or zone hiearchy )


If you draw a zone contour inside another one, the list of corresponding subzone will be automatically filtered


Zone inclusion consistency can be verified using knowledge checks:


Automatic Attribute valuation

Zone Contour Description

You can modify the Zone list table by adding a second column wit hzone description

in the P&ID, you can set automatically the Zone contour description attribute value from the Zone list table during ZoneCategory/Zone association to contour:


Set component attribute during 3D Space association

when creating the link with the 3D Space, you can modify the value of any attribute of the piping component:

Data setup link :



Automatic annotation of zone


Annotation and Label can be automatically inserted when creating the Zone contour

Setup : 

  • Define you text template or label inside a logical reference
  • Attach this Logical Reference to the corresponding resource into datasetup
  • define Business rule to trigger which textemplate or label must be inserted depending to criteria

video about automatic text annotation insertion for all Zones:

video about automatic text & label annotation insertion User + Admin part

the label will depends on the Zone category name

Datasetup link :



Automatic zone graphical display

Define zone linetype, thickness, color based on zone category



